On the Ground, in the Wild, a Path to Inner Peace

Reprinted from New York Times (December 20, 2007) by Anne Raver

Reisterstown, Md.

It was a gray, blustery December day when I walked the labyrinth in the woods behind Pamela White’s ranch-style house in Glyndon, an old community a few miles from my place. The town started out as a Methodist revival camp and a summer place, 10 degrees cooler than the city, for wealthy Baltimoreans. My grandmother used to go every summer and get closer to God under a big tent. The camp is long gone, and now the streets are lined with Victorian houses with wide porches, mixed in with 1950s ranch houses.

Ms. White has a two-acre stand of woods out back, with a low, curving stone wall at the edge of the forest, which slopes down to a natural bowl in the land where stones mark a spiraling path laid beneath tall oaks and poplars.

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Winding Paths Can Lead to Wellness

For centuries, labyrinths have been used to promote physical and spiritual health

Reprinted from Toronto Star (January 05, 2007) by Janice Mawhinney, Life Writer

Physiotherapist Angie Andreoli says it's an uplifting experience to watch patients from the Toronto Rehab foundation walk or wheel through the Toronto Public Labyrinth in Trinity Square Park.

"I have seen people with poor energy, who are unable to walk longer than the hallway, walk the labyrinth with purposefulness and a sense of joy. That is very special," she says.

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