NewsNotes July 2016

Three inspiring leaders will guide Veriditas pilgrimages in September: The Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress; Judith Tripp, MA, MFT; and Laura Esculcas.

  • Experience the newly restored nave and labyrinth at the venerable Chartres Cathedral, in France September 10 and 11th. Judith Tripp will weave a sacred circle to explore Mary through lecture, mediation, art, music and ritual. Register for "Meeting Mary."

  • Strengthen connections to ourselves, our communities and the world. Join the Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress September 12 to 16th at Chartres Cathedral to tap artful wisdom and find creative openings on the individual and collective levels. Register for "The Rising Phoenix: Birthing New Images in these Challenging Times."

  • New territory for Veriditas. Register for "Mystical Portugal: Labyrinths, Legends and Sites of the Sacred Feminine". Judith Tripp and Laura Esculcas lead a soulful journey September 19 to 24th into the landscape of the "people of the light," the ancient Celt-Iberian ancestors of the modern Portuguese. Experience the wisdom of the labyrinth and numinous sites connected with the legends of Mary.


Lauren is an Episcopal priest and Honorary Canon at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. Lauren's experiences with the labyrinth in the early 1990s led to the introduction of the labyrinth back into Western culture and the founding of Veriditas. Thanks to Lauren's pursuit of her vision, we can experience ever-deepening layers of discovery within this archetypal space. 

Judith is inspired, and inspiring, leading Women's Dream Quest in San Francisco, a Dream Quest in Santa Fe, and a Chartres pilgrimage featuring Judith and Lauren's rich teachings on the Divine Feminine. Judith's background as a transpersonal psychotherapist, a Veriditas trained facilitator, and a composer/musician makes her ideally suited to lead us to the soulful places in our hearts. 

Laura's passion for the labyrinth invites the sacred into everyday living, as well as her travels to sacred sites around the world. Laura's training at Wisdom University and as an Advanced Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator inform her teaching at home and abroad. Laura conducts pilgrimages to sacred landscapes that evoke the imaginal realm of myth and metaphor, and this exploration in Portugal is certainly no exception.

These are opportunities to explore the deeper places in your heart. 

For details, video presentations and to register, visit